Save it for Later

You’ve just started reading a great book when, ping! You get an email from your friends at the Library, letting you know that new thriller is now available for you.

Or, maybe, you’re out of town and, ping! The Library is letting you know the latest celebrity memoir you put on hold is ready to pick up.

Sound familiar?

Being able to borrow books, movies and more items from our Library is a wonderful thing. But sometimes, the items you want become available at inconvenient moments.

Be Kind

Enjoy this outdoor exhibit from the team at You Are Beautiful, reminding us to be kind to one another and find the things that connect us. The installation will be on the Central Library's east lawn March - May, 2024.

The goal of the work is to create positivity in the world and for those who pass by the statue to become active participants with the piece, taking photos and sharing in the enjoyment.

The installation is a part of our Mental Health May initiative. Check out these related programs: